31/Sapphic Bi 🌈⚢🎮🎨
Another geeky mediocre anime fan-artist.
Likes anime/manga, video games, art, cats/wolves/foxes, ladies.Fuck Elon Musk + his X!
I'm scrambling to find my favorite artists' to follow on BlueSky...
Angewomon x LadyDevimon
Sora x Mimi / Sorami
Dragon Ball Z
Chichi x Bulma / Bulchi
Dragon Quest
Debora x Bianca / DQ5
Bianca x Nera / DQ5
Final Fantasy
Barbariccia x Rosa / FF4
Rosa x Rydia / FF4
Aerith x Tifa / Aerti / FF7
Cloud x Aerith x Tifa / Clerifa / FF7
Kimahri x chin scritches / FFX
Sesshomaru x Kagura / SessKagu
Legend of Zelda
Midna x Zelda / MidZel / TP
My Hero Academia
Yaomomo x Jiro x Ojiro
Yaomomo x Jiro
Jiro x Ojiro
Yaomomo x Ojiro
Yaomomo x Bakugo
Midnight x Mt. Lady
Ino x Sakura / InoSaku
Tsunade x Shizune /TsunaShizu
Naruto x Ino / NaruIno
One Piece
Robin x Nami / RobiNami
Robin x Zoro / ZoRobin
Zoro x Nami / ZoNami
Robin x Nami x Zoro / ZoRobiNami
Luffy x Nami / LuNami
Luffy x Zoro / ZoLu
Mercy x Widowmaker / Widowmaker
Ashe x Mercy / Healhaw
Ashe x Widowmaker / Ouihaw
Joy x Jenny / Lilac
Sonia x Nessa / AquaHeart
Misty x May / Image
May x Dawn / SapphirePearl
Winona x Flannery / FannedFlames
Street Fighter
Chun-Li x Cammy
Ryu x Chun-Li
Janeway x Seven / J7 / Star Trek: Voyager
Beca x Chloe / Bechloe / Pitch Perfect
Olivia Benson x Amanda Rollins / Rolivia / Law & Order: SVU
Rarity x Fluttershy / Rarishy / MLP: FIM
Aerith Gainsborough
Annie Leonhart
Ashe / Elizabeth Caledona "Calamity" Ashe
Cammy White
Debora Briscoletti
Franziska von Karma
Goku Black
Ino Yamanaka
Jessica Albert
Kagura of the Wind
Kakashi Hatake
Kyoka Jiro / Earphone Jack
Mashirao Ojiro / Tailman
Mercy / Angela Zeigler
Midnight / Nemuri Kayama
Misty / Kasumi
Momo Yaoyorozu / Creati
Mt. Lady / Yu Takeyama
Nico Robin
Nurse Joy
Princess Zelda (Twilight Princess)
Ramza Beoulve
Riza Hawkeye
Roronoa Zoro
Rosa Farrell
Rudy Roughknight
Rydia of Mist
Serge / Leena / Glenn
Tifa Lockhart
Fandoms (+ disclaimer)
I dunno what to tell you. I like what I like, but even if we are in the same fandom or like the same character... we might not like them the same?
Fandom | Disclaimer |
Digimon | Umm... I'm one of those ones that thinks Angewomon and LadyDevimon are hot. |
Dragon Ball Z | Don't fuck with DBZ fans, we can't read/don't watch the show/are homophobic! |
Fullmetal Alchemist | I love Riza but do not ship Royai. |
Inuyasha | Please talk to me about Kagura! I love Kikyo despite her faults. I do not ship SessRin. |
My Hero Academia | A late bloomer fan. Watched season 1 subbed, needed a break after the excitement... Started watching the dub in spring 2024 since my friends were watching it. So yes, I've had spoilers. Still a Midnight fan. She deserved better! |
Naruto | Gay ships everywhere...! |
Neon Genesis Evangelion | Shinji needs a hug. Until that infamous scene in the movie. |
Overwatch | Title speaks itself. Not into it so much anymore since OW2 came out. |
Sailor Moon | Usagi is absolutely bi for everyone, what are you talking about? She has 1 boyfriend and 7 girlfriends! |
Studio Ghibli | Princess Mononoke 💚 |
Chrono Cross | Played this before Chrono Trigger. |
Dragon Quest | Please talk to me about Debora from DQ5! 💖 |
Final Fantasy | Old school lover! FF4/FF7/FFT/FFX! |
Legend of Zelda | Talk to me about how gay Twilight Princess Zelda is! 💜 |
Pokemon | I enjoy what I like (Kanto pokeani + Takeshi Shudo's vision) and let others enjoy what they like! I don't care if you ship Ash with Misty or Serena; I stay away from the toxic part of the shipping community. |
Wild Arms | Rudy is my cinnamon bun! Virginia x Maya are gay. I've attempted to compile media similar to WA in some aspects. If you have recommendations for a WA fans, please tell me! |
Disney | I can info dump on the troubled production of "The Fox and the Hound" and how "Sleeping Beauty" is still one of most gorgeous animated films Disney has made! I was able to (almost) collect dvds of all the animated movies by buying at the pawn shop after Disney + came around. |
We're not going to get along if:
- Your age-gap ship has the adult "crushing" creeping on the minor
- Lolicon/shotacon/MAP PEDO/supporter/ you use the term "proship" to hide behind being any of these. And no, adamantly saying you're anti-pro doesn't automatically make you "good" because we all know what happens when we use titles to mean you're a "good person" (ie. pedos are EVERYWHERE)
- You say "bUt ThE aGe Of CoNsEnT iN JApAn iS 13!!1!"
- You believe lesbian is an umbrella term ie. bi/pan/straight "lesbian" / describe lesbianism as "non-men loving non-men"
- You start divisive arguments between bis + lesbians
- You think your sexuality is "better" just because you think it's more "queer" than gay/lesbian
- You use Split Attraction Model (SAM) from the Asexual community to use it to say you're bi/pan/straight "lesbian"
- Extremist liberal/conservative/patriot/radinclus
- Harry Styles stan, K-pop boyband stan, any stans of male celebrities that say "omg! he looks like a lesbian! lesbian rights! lesbian vibes!"Otherwise, we're going to get along if:
- Your age-gap ship still has consenting adults, or the younger one crushing on the older one
- You use the term proship to describe not caring whether people ship Ash with Misty or Serena or Gary or whoever. Because that's what proship meant back in ye olde days. You stayed in your lane with shipping and didn't partake in flaming ship wars. But y'know, some people have twisted it to mean other things. :/
- Lesbians are women that are exclusively attracted to women. Some nonbinaries apply.
- Bi x lesbian solidarity! <3
- Gay/lesbian/bi/pan/ace solidarity! <3
- You hate extremists as much as I do because we can still touch grass (we just hate going outside because of seasonal allergies or it's too cold)
- You love and uplift butch lesbians for having lesbian vibes
plz read
Take a look at these carrds for more validity in your day!Bi is valid!SapphicMspec Lesbian (Has great info but it does cite the "Am I a Lesbian? Masterdoc" as a reference)Note that the "Am I a Lesbian? Masterdoc" was written in 2018 by a 19-year-old who later came out as bi, so I do not recommend reading it just to find out if you're a lesbian or not.